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A friend has asked us for recipe of yogurt to prepare.
After the plant based milk the other day we can make this wonderful combination, you could also add fruit preserves, cocoa or soluble coffee if we are lovers of these combinations as we like .

Vegan lemon yogurt Geleé


500 ml soy milk, or oat, almond milk
4 g lemon zest
120 ml lemon juice
2 Tbsp cornstarch
3 Tbsp sugar or agave syrup, plus more to taste


Place plant based milk and lemon zest in a small saucepan and whisk to combine.
Lastly, add sugar orsyrup (starting with 1 Tbsp) and whisk again until well combined.
Place saucepan over medium heat and bring to a low bubble - not boil - whisking often. Once it starts bubbling and getting thick, reduce heat to medium-low and continue cooking until visible ribbon forms when spooning the bit of across the top. It should be thick and kind of jiggly in texture. During this process switch to a rubber spatula for stirring to ensure is not sticking to the bottom or sides of the pan.
Add lemon juice and cornstarch to a small mixing bowl and whisk to thoroughly dissolve. Then add to mixture and stir.
Remove from heat and taste and adjust seasonings as needed, adding more lemon zest for acidity / brightness, or maple syrup for sweetness.
Let rest for 15 minutes, then whisk eleven more and transfer to a glass bowl or jar (I prefer these) and cover with plastic wrap, making sure the plastic wrap touches the curd - otherwise a film may form.
Refrigerate for 5-6 hours, or overnight, or until completely chilled and set. Will keep in the refrigerator 7-10 days, though best within the first 4-5 days.

Enjoy your meal!

Vegan lemon yogurt Ge...

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We prepare the soy, oat and almond milk, delicious plant based recipe.
Today there are many healthy plant-based milk alternatives to cows’ milk including nut, seed, grain, soy, hemp and rice milk. These milk alternatives offer a much healthier, environmentally sustainable option without hurting animals. There are also many important reasons to consider not drinking conventional cows’ milk, including:

1. Antibiotics and painkillers routinely fed to cows, causing antibiotic resistance in humans.
2. Cows’ milk is high in saturated fat and cholesterol, two major contributors to heart disease and chronic 
3. Environmental externalities of water, waste and air pollution and animal agriculture is now considered one of 
    the largest contributors to climate change.
4. Significant, sustained cruelty and the inhumane treatment of cows on industrial factory farms.
5. Cows being forced to be chronically pregnant their entire lives to produce milk for humans.
6. Baby calves are taken from their mothers almost immediately after they are born, causing extreme grief,
    depression and enormous suffering for the mother and calf for days.
7. Male calves are either slaughtered at birth or forced into becoming a calf for veal meat, and confined to living
    in a tiny crate where they are chained and cannot move; are fed a drug-laced liquid diet unnatural to them (are
    never allowed their mother’s milk); and have chronic diarrhea from eating a liquid diet through their 7-8 month
    lifespan until they are slaughtered.
8. Numerous scientific research studies prove a strong link between consuming cows’ milk and dairy products
    and several reproductive cancers including breast, ovarian and prostate cancer, as well as colon cancer
    (linked to casein protein from cows’ milk).
9. Scientific research proving the link between dairy consumption and higher bone fractures; the higher the rate
    of animal protein/dairy the higher the risk of bone fractures.
10.Scientific research proving the link between higher calcium intake through dairy consumption and a higher
     rate of osteoporosis (exactly the opposite of what the dairy industry states).
You win in health and respect with these fantastic recipes of soy, oats and almond milk.
You will start and do not stop making vegetable cheeses, yogurts, tarts, only plant based style. 😋
Oat milk
1 cup rolled or quick oats (100 g)
3-4 cups water (750 ml – 1 l), depending on how thick you like your milk
Soak the oats in water for at least 30 minutes.
We usually soak them overnight, but it’s not necessary. Drain the oats and wash them (discard the soaking water). Blend the oats with 3 to 4 cups of clean water (750 ml to 1 liter).
Strain the milk using a cheesecloth, a strainer, a napkin or a nut milk bag. Store in a sealed container in the fridge for up to 5 days.
Soy milk


½ cup yellow soybeans (80 grams)
4 cups water (1 liter)
½ teaspoon of homemade vanilla extract or a piece of vanilla bean (optional)
4 dates (optional)


Soak the soybeans in water overnight for a minimum of 12 hours.
Drain the soybeans and remove the outer skins.
Blend the soybeans with 3 cups of water (750 milliliters) until well blended and almost smooth.
Strain the blended mixture using a cheesecloth, a napkin or a strainer.
Pour the mixture in a saucepan, add 1 cup of water (250 milliliters). Place the saucepan on the stove over high heat and bring to a boil. Stir and skim foam.
Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes.
Let cool the soy milk. You can add other ingredients such as vanilla or dates. Blend the mixture if necessary.
Store the soy milk in a sealed container in the fridge for four or five days.

Almond milk


3/4 cup raw almonds (100 grams)
4 dates
2 cups water (500 milliliters)
Soak the almonds in water overnight.
Drain, rinse and peel the almonds.
Blend the almonds, dates and water until well blended and almost smooth.
Strain the blended almond mixture using a cheesecloth or a strainer (we used a napkin).
Store the almond milk in a sealed container in the fridge for three or four days.
Ditch the dairy and enjoy the natural milks :)

Plant based milks rec...

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Vår inspiration denna midsommar resulterade i dessa bakverk; klassiska arrakbollar och havregrynsmuffins toppade med hallonsylt. Nedan kommer receptet
Klassiska arrakbollar ca 20 stycken
  • 400 g kaksmulor
  • 1 dl florsocker
  • 1 tsk vaniljsocker
  • 2 msk kakao
  • 1 dl arrak (du kan också använda arraksessens)
  • 100 g choklad
  • 80 g chokladströssel, choklad eller med färg som på bilden
  • 50 g mjölkfritt smör

Så här bakar du arraksbollarna:
Blanda kaksmulorna med florsockret, vaniljsockret och kakaon.
Tillsätt arrak.
Blanda till en smet med slev.
Om du tycker smeten blir torr kan du tillsätta lite margarin.
Låt smeten vila ett par timmar.
Forma smeten till bollar.
Smält chokladen. Rulla bollarna i den smälta chokladen. Rulla dem sedan i chokladströssel tills bollarna är helt täckta.
Njut av bakverken och ta vara på ledigheten fina ni    mextl

Glad midsommar