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Dr. Kim Williams, president of the American College of Cardiology and chief of cardiology at Rush University, advocates a plant-based diet for heart disease prevention in 2003. As one of the most high-profile cardiologists in the country, Dr. Williams made news and some controversy when he wrote an article supporting a vegan diet in a Medscape column last year.
Santuario Gaia, Ismael and Samuel (Catalonia,Spain) Vegan Sanctuary

Plant-powered eating is just what these Vegan doctors ordered
List of animal sanctuaries
The mission of sanctuaries is generally to be safe havens, where the animals receive the best care that the sanctuaries can provide. Animals are not bought, sold, or traded, nor are they used for animal testing. The resident animals are given the opportunity to behave as natural as possible in a protective environment.

How to thrive on a vegan diet
Well-planned vegan diets contain all the nutrients we need to remain strong and healthy. When people go vegan, they often eat more fruit and vegetables, and enjoy meals higher in fibre and lower in saturated fat.

The Vegan Plate
How does your diet compare to The Vegan Plate by Dietitians Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina? Apart from the fact that it shows only animal-free items, you will notice some differences between this image and the UK’s Eatwell Guide. The Vegan Plate shows that sources of calcium are found in many food groups. It draws attention to the importance of beans, lentils, chickpeas, nuts and seeds in a healthy diet. The Vegan Plate also highlights that it is essential to get enough vitamin B12, vitamin D, omega-3 fat and iodine. You will notice that there is no mention of high fat, high sugar processed foods. There are many animal-free items that fall into this group, but they are not an essential part of a varied and balanced vegan diet. Limiting your intake of processed food will help you to maximise the quality of your diet.

Balancing food groups
The table below gives you an idea of how to balance your vegan diet:
Food group
Suggested intake
Fruit and vegetables (fresh, tinned, frozen or dried), including orange varieties and leafy greens
At least 5 x 80g portions per day (30g for dried fruit)
Starchy foods – ideally higher fibre choices, such as oats, sweet potato, wholemeal bread, wholewheat pasta and brown rice
Every meal
Protein-rich foods, such as beans, lentils, chickpeas, tofu, soya alternatives to milk and yoghurt and peanuts
Most meals
Nuts and seeds, especially those rich in omega-3 fat
Calcium-rich foods, such as calcium-fortified foods and calcium-set tofu
Examples that could be included in your daily diet:
400ml of calcium-fortified plant milk provides about two thirds of the recommended daily intake for adults
100g of calcium-set tofu (raw weight) might provide about half of the recommended daily intake for adults

Vegan lifestyle guide

The tips below will help you to get the most out of your vegan lifestyle:

Make sure that your diet contains a variety of fruit and vegetables – eat a rainbow!
Choose higher fibre starchy foods, such as oats, sweet potato, wholemeal bread, wholewheat pasta and brown rice
Include good sources of protein in most meals, such as beans, lentils, chickpeas, tofu, soya alternatives to milk and yoghurt, or peanuts
Eat nuts and seeds daily, especially those rich in omega-3 fat
Eat calcium-rich foods daily, such as calcium-fortified products and calcium-set tofu
Ensure that your diet contains a reliable source of vitamin B12 (either fortified foods or a supplement)
Ensure that your diet contains a reliable source of iodine (arguably a supplement is the best option)
Everyone in UK should consider a vitamin D supplement during autumn and winter, and year-round supplementation should be considered by people who do not regularly expose their skin to sunlight, and those with darker skin
Use small amounts of spread and oil high in unsaturated fats, such as vegetable (rapeseed) and olive oils
Season food with herbs and spices instead of salt
Drink about six to eight glasses of fluid a day
Consider a supplement containing long chain omega-3 fats from microalgae, particularly for infants and those who are pregnant or breastfeeding
Check out our information about vitamins B12 and D, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and omega-3 fats to make sure that you are getting enough
Keep active
Maintain a healthy weight, or lose some weight if it is above the healthy range
Your health and your diet
The aim of our information about health and nutrition is to help you get the most out of your vegan lifestyle, and optimise your health. Once you’ve finished looking at our website, see what other vegan dietitians have to say about totally plant-based diets:
Becoming Vegan written by Dietitians Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina
Recommendations from Dietitian Jack Norris
Please discuss the use of supplements with a health professional to help ensure that they are suitable for you.
If you have health concerns that you think may be related to your diet, please ask your doctor for a referral to a registered dietitian for individual support.


Going vegan is one of the most significant things that you can do to help animals of the Earth (earhlings) change and reduce further damage to the natural world.

More information about the truth:
Animals rights (Sweden)
Dairy industry
Egg industry
Meat the truth
Earthlings documentary

Alkaline diet

Alkaline diet (also known as the alkaline ash diet, alkaline acid diet, acid ash diet, and the acid alkaline diet) describe a group of loosely related diets that claim different types of food can have an effect on the pH balance of the body . It originated from theories related to osteoporosis research, however, most proponents of the diet maintain the incorrect belief that certain foods can affect the acidity (pH) of the body and therefore be used to treat or prevent disease. Though some have noted that eating unprocessed foods as this diet recommends having health benefits unrelated to Bodily pH.
These diets have been promoted by alternative medicine practitioners, with the proposal that such diets treat or prevent cancer, heart disease, and low energy levels as well as other illnesses. Human blood is regulated at pH 7.35 to 7.45. Levels above 7.45 are referred to as alkalosis and levels below 7.35 acidosis. Both are potentially serious, and the body has acid-base homeostasis mechanisms that generally ensure this does not happen. The idea that these diets can materially affect blood pH for the purpose of treating a range of diseases is not supported by scientific research and makes incorrect assumptions about how alkaline diets function that are contrary to human physiology.
Diets avoiding meat, poultry, cheese, and grains may be used in order to make the urine more alkaline (higher pH). However, difficulties in effectively predicting the effects of this diet have led to medications, rather than diet modification, as the preferred method of changing urine pH. The "acid-ash" hypothesis was once considered a risk factor for osteoporosis.
The role of the diet and its influence on the acidity of urine has been studied for decades, as physiologists have studied the kidney's role in the body's regulatory mechanisms for controlling the acidity of body fluids. The French biologist Claude Bernard provided the classical observation of this effect when he found that changing the diet of rabbits from an herbivore (mainly plant) diet to a carnivore (mainly meat) diet changed the urine from more alkaline to more acid. Spurred by these observations, subsequent investigations focused on the chemical properties and acidity of constituents of the remains of foods combusted in a bomb calorimeter, described as ash. The "dietary ash hypothesis" proposed that these foods, when metabolized, would leave a similar "acid ash" or "alkaline ash" in the body as those oxidized in combustion.
Nutrition scientists began to refine this hypothesis in the early 20th century, emphasizing the role of negatively charged particles (anions) and positively charged particles (cations) in food. Diets high in chloride, phosphate and sulfate (all of which are anions) were presumed to be acid forming, while diets high in potassium, calcium and magnesium (all of which are cations) were presumed to be alkaline forming. Other investigations showed specific foods, such as cranberries, prunes and plums had unusual effects on urine pH. While these foods provided an alkaline ash in the laboratory, they contain a weak organic acid, hippuric acid, which caused the urine to become more acidic instead.
Dr. Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young have supported the health of thousands of people with their revolutionary alkaline diet and lifestyle. This alkalizing diet and scientific approach—known as The New Biology
Dr. Robert Morse
Dr. Morse has always sought to speak the truth, and to bring that truth to those who are ready to hear it.  Over the years this has become a delicate balance, to bring the light and the truth while remaining out of the crosshairs of those with a vested interest in keeping the public in a chronic state of disease and suffering.
- Fruits
- Over Dose of Glucose
- Thyroid Health
- Bleeding
- Irregular menstruation
- Healing Crisis
- Herbs to Australia
- Rash
- Hot & Cold Showers
- Cell Phones
- Superfoods

Thank you for your time and Be Vegan :)


The Real Healthy Life...

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A friend has asked us for recipe of yogurt to prepare.
After the plant based milk the other day we can make this wonderful combination, you could also add fruit preserves, cocoa or soluble coffee if we are lovers of these combinations as we like .

Vegan lemon yogurt Geleé


500 ml soy milk, or oat, almond milk
4 g lemon zest
120 ml lemon juice
2 Tbsp cornstarch
3 Tbsp sugar or agave syrup, plus more to taste


Place plant based milk and lemon zest in a small saucepan and whisk to combine.
Lastly, add sugar orsyrup (starting with 1 Tbsp) and whisk again until well combined.
Place saucepan over medium heat and bring to a low bubble - not boil - whisking often. Once it starts bubbling and getting thick, reduce heat to medium-low and continue cooking until visible ribbon forms when spooning the bit of across the top. It should be thick and kind of jiggly in texture. During this process switch to a rubber spatula for stirring to ensure is not sticking to the bottom or sides of the pan.
Add lemon juice and cornstarch to a small mixing bowl and whisk to thoroughly dissolve. Then add to mixture and stir.
Remove from heat and taste and adjust seasonings as needed, adding more lemon zest for acidity / brightness, or maple syrup for sweetness.
Let rest for 15 minutes, then whisk eleven more and transfer to a glass bowl or jar (I prefer these) and cover with plastic wrap, making sure the plastic wrap touches the curd - otherwise a film may form.
Refrigerate for 5-6 hours, or overnight, or until completely chilled and set. Will keep in the refrigerator 7-10 days, though best within the first 4-5 days.

Enjoy your meal!

Vegan lemon yogurt Ge...

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We prepare the soy, oat and almond milk, delicious plant based recipe.
Today there are many healthy plant-based milk alternatives to cows’ milk including nut, seed, grain, soy, hemp and rice milk. These milk alternatives offer a much healthier, environmentally sustainable option without hurting animals. There are also many important reasons to consider not drinking conventional cows’ milk, including:

1. Antibiotics and painkillers routinely fed to cows, causing antibiotic resistance in humans.
2. Cows’ milk is high in saturated fat and cholesterol, two major contributors to heart disease and chronic 
3. Environmental externalities of water, waste and air pollution and animal agriculture is now considered one of 
    the largest contributors to climate change.
4. Significant, sustained cruelty and the inhumane treatment of cows on industrial factory farms.
5. Cows being forced to be chronically pregnant their entire lives to produce milk for humans.
6. Baby calves are taken from their mothers almost immediately after they are born, causing extreme grief,
    depression and enormous suffering for the mother and calf for days.
7. Male calves are either slaughtered at birth or forced into becoming a calf for veal meat, and confined to living
    in a tiny crate where they are chained and cannot move; are fed a drug-laced liquid diet unnatural to them (are
    never allowed their mother’s milk); and have chronic diarrhea from eating a liquid diet through their 7-8 month
    lifespan until they are slaughtered.
8. Numerous scientific research studies prove a strong link between consuming cows’ milk and dairy products
    and several reproductive cancers including breast, ovarian and prostate cancer, as well as colon cancer
    (linked to casein protein from cows’ milk).
9. Scientific research proving the link between dairy consumption and higher bone fractures; the higher the rate
    of animal protein/dairy the higher the risk of bone fractures.
10.Scientific research proving the link between higher calcium intake through dairy consumption and a higher
     rate of osteoporosis (exactly the opposite of what the dairy industry states).
You win in health and respect with these fantastic recipes of soy, oats and almond milk.
You will start and do not stop making vegetable cheeses, yogurts, tarts, only plant based style. 😋
Oat milk
1 cup rolled or quick oats (100 g)
3-4 cups water (750 ml – 1 l), depending on how thick you like your milk
Soak the oats in water for at least 30 minutes.
We usually soak them overnight, but it’s not necessary. Drain the oats and wash them (discard the soaking water). Blend the oats with 3 to 4 cups of clean water (750 ml to 1 liter).
Strain the milk using a cheesecloth, a strainer, a napkin or a nut milk bag. Store in a sealed container in the fridge for up to 5 days.
Soy milk


½ cup yellow soybeans (80 grams)
4 cups water (1 liter)
½ teaspoon of homemade vanilla extract or a piece of vanilla bean (optional)
4 dates (optional)


Soak the soybeans in water overnight for a minimum of 12 hours.
Drain the soybeans and remove the outer skins.
Blend the soybeans with 3 cups of water (750 milliliters) until well blended and almost smooth.
Strain the blended mixture using a cheesecloth, a napkin or a strainer.
Pour the mixture in a saucepan, add 1 cup of water (250 milliliters). Place the saucepan on the stove over high heat and bring to a boil. Stir and skim foam.
Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes.
Let cool the soy milk. You can add other ingredients such as vanilla or dates. Blend the mixture if necessary.
Store the soy milk in a sealed container in the fridge for four or five days.

Almond milk


3/4 cup raw almonds (100 grams)
4 dates
2 cups water (500 milliliters)
Soak the almonds in water overnight.
Drain, rinse and peel the almonds.
Blend the almonds, dates and water until well blended and almost smooth.
Strain the blended almond mixture using a cheesecloth or a strainer (we used a napkin).
Store the almond milk in a sealed container in the fridge for three or four days.
Ditch the dairy and enjoy the natural milks :)

Plant based milks rec...

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When hunger hits you, we can prepare Spanish tapas, fast recipes and very tasty, when we are at home, look at inside our fridge and cabinets, then we start the creativity ... In this creativity we think of the delicious "AROS DE CEBOLLA" and the "PATATAS BRAVAS"

Onion rings  (Aros de cebolla)

Estimated price for two persons, tapas mix, would be around 79 kronor (below 8 euro) 

Ingredients for 4 persons
1 cup brown rice flour
1/4 cup cornmeal
1/4 cup cornstarch
1/2 tsp sea salt + black pepper
1 tsp smoked paprika
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1 cup unsweetened plain oat milk
2 medium yellow onions, sliced into 1/2-inch rings
Oil for pan-frying


Preheat oven to 200 degrees and line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Place one in the oven (where you'll place cooked onion rings) and one on the counter (where you'll place dipped onion rings). Also set out a plate layered with a few paper towels.
In a large shallow bowl, mix together brown rice flour, cornmeal, cornstarch, salt, pepper, paprika, and cayenne pepper. Also add oat milk to a separate small mixing bowl and set aside.
One at a time, dip the onion rings in the dry ingredients first, then the dairy-free milk, then back in the dry ingredients until well coated. Place on the parchment-lined baking sheet on the counter and repeat until all rings are dipped. Overlapping them a little is fine.
Heat a large cast iron or metal skillet over medium high heat and add enough oil to form a scant 1/2-inch layer. Heat for 3-5 minutes, or until a little flour sprinkled in bubbles and browns. At that point, add only as many onion rings will fit comfortably in the pan.
Fry on both sides for 1-2 minutes, turning down heat if browning too quickly. Flip with a fork and handle carefully as the coating can be fragile at this point.
Transfer cooked onion rings to the paper-towel lined plate to blot off extra oil, then onto the parchment-lined baking sheet in the oven to keep warm. Continue until all onion rings are cooked.
Serve immediately with dip of choice - BBQ Ketchup or Vegan Allioli. Best when fresh.

AlliOli Vegan SALSA (aioli)


Soy milk

Olive oil

2 cloves garlic

Salt and pepper



Put in the glass of the mixer (turmix) soy milk, peeled garlic, salt, pepper and turmeric.

I make the recipe by eye, more or less a finger of soy milk, the more you put more oil you will need to mount and more amount of a mayonasse will come out.

Turmeric just a little bit, is to give color, it is not a matter of being yellow.

We crush the ingredients and without stopping the túrmix we are adding the oil in a hilito until it picks up the desired texture, to more oil mounts the sauce.

Patatas Bravas (slices and sauted potatoes)

Ingredients for 4 people:

4 medium potatoes, sunflower or olive oil, salt

We peeled the potatoes and cut them to dice of 2 centimeters.
To fry the potatoes well, two frying pans are needed, one for the first part of the process in which we will fry the potato sticks at 140º for about 7 or 8 minutes, and another for the second phase, in which we will brown and leave the potatoes crispy Frying at 190 ° for about five more minutes.
We reserved on a paper oven, eat well hot with the alliOli sauce and Sriracha spicy sauce.
In our next post we will have price information and more explanation about order food from us etc.
Que aproveche

"Tapas" in the night ...

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Fyndade billiga apelsiner i veckan så varför inte förbereda egen marmelad? Det är skönt att ta kontrollen och ansvara för vad som går in i kroppen. Medvetet leva med och för en frisk kropp genom de medel vi kan. Vi tror på en livsstil med bra ren mat utan tillsatser. Dra ned på gluten och processat i den mån det går. I hemmet har vi alla möjligheter till detta. Inga ursäkter, just do it. För dig och för vår fina planet.
Recept på marmeladen;
1 kilo apelsiner
1 lime
Riven ingefära, 1 tsk ungefär
7 dl socker
8 dl vatten
Så här gör du;
  1. Borsta frukten ren i varmt vatten. Skär bort det yttersta lagret med en vass kniv och skär sedan skalet i tunna strimlor.
  2. Skär bort den vita hinnan från frukten och skär fruktköttet i små bitar. Ta vara på kärnorna och lägg dem tillsammans med det vita från frukten i en silduk och knyt om med ett snöre.
  3. Koka frukten med vattnet och kärnknytet i 45 minuter. Ta grytan av värmen och rör ner sockret. Koka kraftigt utan lock i 10-15 minuter. Passa så det inte kokar över.
  4. Gör marmeladprovet, d v s ös upp lite marmelad på ett kylt fat. Dra en ränna i marmeladen med en sked. Om den inte flyter ihop är marmeladen färdig. Om inte så låt marmeladen koka lite längre.
  5. Ta grytan från värmen. Vänta några minuter, ta upp kärnknytet och skumma marmeladen noggrant.
  6. Ös upp marmeladen på rena heta burkar och sätt på lock. Det kan ta några dagar innan marmeladen stelnar. Förvaras svalt.
Detta är resultatet, ca 1 liter marmelad. Perfekt att frysa in eller njuta av direkt. 
Njut! Happy eating  taringa

Apelsinmarmelad med l...

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Nu ni! Vi har haft några hektiska dagar med massor av bra besked efter flera månader kämpandes i motvind, vilket vi är superglada över och detta gav oss nya ideér och inspiration i matlagningen! 

Falafel med rödbetshummus;

Recept på vår hummus;
200 g torra kikärtor, blötlägg i ca 10 timmar (över natten) och koka upp i ca 1½ timmar.
Rödbeta, 1 kokt
2 pressade vitlöksklyftor
0,5 dl olivolja
4 msk tahini, sesampasta (valfritt)
4 msk citronsaft (valfritt)
0,5 tsk mald spiskummin (valfritt)
Himalaya salt, 1 tsk
Gurkmeja, 1 tsk

Koka upp kikärtorna och tillsätt resten. Mixa allt och voilá!

Falafel, gröna veggiebollar;

400 g blötlagda kikärtor (inte kokta i burk)
1 näve bladspenat
100 g Majsmjöl
3 vitlöksklyftor
0,5 citron
1 tsk kummin
1 tsk bakpulver

Så här gör du; Mixa kikärtorna med 2 dl vatten mer eller mindre i ca 2 minuter så det blir en fin slät massa. Tillsätt sedan resten i mixern i ca 1 minut.
Slå på stekpanna och sätt 1 msk kokosolja, när den är het klicka i 1 msk falafel massa och stek med lock på Stek varje sida ca 1-2 minuter (kolla av då den har fått en fin brun yta).

Vi hade wraps och färska grönsaker till och en egengjord aioli, välj efter smak och tycke.


Afiyet olsun comentarios

Försenat inlägg.. Ori...

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Jag har länge länge letat efter vegansk ravioli och nu är dagen kommen, passerad, njuten! Låt mig berätta.. Min kära sambo var kanske less på att höra mitt tjat varje gång vi gick förbi en ravioli konserv på willys, eller varje gång vi åt pasta och jag helt sonika utbrast "åhh kan vi inte själva laga ravioli"?! Efter veckor, månader av konstant vridande på varje ravioli burk i affärerna så gav jag upp. Jag slutade leta..
Men så en dag så stod rätten där bara, i köket, helt utan förvarning, han hade tillagat min efterlängtade rätt! Älskade älskade ravioli..
Jag fick tårar (japp jag älskar att äta, mina smaklökar är tusen ggr mer aktiverade än tidigare).
Detta är den godaste rätten jag NÅGONSIN har ätit. Nu är ni kanske less på mitt tjat så här kommer receptet för er att pröva er fram i köket, go go go!
Ravioli Rosso

Ravioli för 4 personer
Pasta deg;
75 gram vetemjöl
25 gram majsmjöl
15 gram maizena mjöl
2 dl varmt vatten
1 tsk gurkmeja
1 tsk himalaya salt

1 dl hett kokande vatten
20 g torkat sojakött
1 gul lök
1 röd paprika
1 tomat
kryddor; oregano, basilika, salvia, curry, himalaya salt & peppar (enligt smak och mått)
1 msk virgin olivolja

(Rosso) Sås till kokning;
100 g tomatpuré
100 g havregrädde
Örter; basilika & oregano
Krydda med himalaya salt & peppar
1 msk virgin olivolja

Knåda ihop deg ingredienserna och gör ett hål i mitten, tillsätt vattnet sist i "vulkan hålet".
Lämna på bänken för att stadga sig ca 30 minuter med plast runtom.

Dags att förbereda fyllningen;
Skär grönsakerna fint och smått. Stek med olja tills de är mjuka och har en fin brun färg. Sätt soja köttet i en skål med kryddorna och tillsätt det kokande vattnet. Låt dra ca 5 minuter eller tills köttet har dragit åt sig allt vatten.

Kavla sedan ut degen till en tunn fyrkant på diskbänken med vetemjöl under. Skär sedan degen med 1,5 cm avstånd mellan varann. Ravioli rutorna ska vara ca 3x1,5 cm.
Dags för fyllningen; ta en halv tesked för varje ruta. När alla är gjorda pensla lite vatten i övre kanten på varje ruta och stäng sedan degen med hjälp av en gaffel i varje hörn.

När alla dessa steg äntligen är utförda så är det dags att koka upp raviolin i kokande vatten i några minuter (ca 3 minuter), ta upp då de känns "al dente" och sätt av i kallt vatten.

Ta en stekpanna och häll i tomat purén med grädden och kryddorna. Koka upp och sätt i raviolin. Koka i 3 minuter på medelvärme. Det ska ej tok koka utan endast sjuda.

Buon appetito!

Ny vecka..Nya smaker

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Vår inspiration denna midsommar resulterade i dessa bakverk; klassiska arrakbollar och havregrynsmuffins toppade med hallonsylt. Nedan kommer receptet
Klassiska arrakbollar ca 20 stycken
  • 400 g kaksmulor
  • 1 dl florsocker
  • 1 tsk vaniljsocker
  • 2 msk kakao
  • 1 dl arrak (du kan också använda arraksessens)
  • 100 g choklad
  • 80 g chokladströssel, choklad eller med färg som på bilden
  • 50 g mjölkfritt smör

Så här bakar du arraksbollarna:
Blanda kaksmulorna med florsockret, vaniljsockret och kakaon.
Tillsätt arrak.
Blanda till en smet med slev.
Om du tycker smeten blir torr kan du tillsätta lite margarin.
Låt smeten vila ett par timmar.
Forma smeten till bollar.
Smält chokladen. Rulla bollarna i den smälta chokladen. Rulla dem sedan i chokladströssel tills bollarna är helt täckta.
Njut av bakverken och ta vara på ledigheten fina ni    mextl

Glad midsommar

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Inspireras av våra härliga recept från vårat stökiga kök. Vi lagar allt från arrakbollar till sushi. Vi erbjuder matleverans/hämtning av mat och för större catering för minimum fyra personer till ett snabbt och billigt pris i Luleå. Du når oss enklast på mejl eller telefon. Info längst ner i inlägget.
 Health is wealth
 Kontakt för beställning: [email protected] telefonnummer: 070 26 69 259

Healthy Kitchen i Lul...